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Initiation of the YANGcc Erasmus+ project

KC kompetenscenter

17 May 2022

A new Erasmus+ project: YANGcc. First online meeting of the partners.

The Erasmus+ project YANGcc - "Youth as Agents to Negate Global climate change via visual means" was approved by the Swedish NA, and it will be implemented for 18 months starting from 1st of May 2022 and ending in 1st November 2023.

With partners from Swede, Grece and Bulgaria, the project management team had a first online meeting to move forward with its initiation, proper management, to discuss and evaluate the project’s tasks.

About the project

The project proposes the use of animation technology as a means to empower youth to actively participate in the fight against environmental issues such as climate change. It aims to create a set of training courses for youth trainers, to allow them to understand animation technology and integrate it in their training routines, in order to empower youth to imbue animation videos with their messages on climate change issues and solutions, thus becoming active citizens in combating climate change.

To achive its objectives, the project proposes two training courses. These training courses will be targeted at youth trainers mixed with youth learners (leaders), providing them with the necessary skill set needed to understand animation technology and its functions. Thereafter, these youth trainers assisted by the leaders will train youth on those topics locally, bringing their newly found skills to use, and guiding them to create short animation films on the topic of climate change and through the video's publication.

The project partners are expected to propose the curricula to be used during the training courses, implement the pilot courses on youth trainers and in turn test the effects of those courses by implementing pilot youth trainings. The youth participants will in turn create short animation videos which will be uploaded on online platforms and disseminated. The project is expected to reach out to other youth education organizations, and inspire them to use the methodologies proposed in turn.

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Проектът YANG.c.c. (Youth as Agents to Negate Global climate change via visual means) се съфинансира от програма ERASMUS+ на Европейския съюз и ще се изпълнява от май 2022 г. до октомври 2023 г. Този уебсайт и съдържанието на проекта обаче са единствено на автора(ите) и не отразяват непременно тези на Европейския съюз или на Изпълнителната агенция за образование и култура (EACEA). Нито Европейският съюз, нито ЕАСЕА могат да бъдат държани отговорни за тях.

Код на проекта: 2021-2-SE02-KA210-YOU-000048624

EN Co-Funded by the EU_POS.png
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